Texas State Capitol, Austin, Texas
January 15, 2019
Blessed are you, Gracious God, Source of all that is true and good and beautiful. You, who delight in all people, we stand in awe before you, believing that the spark of life within each person on earth is the spark of your Divine presence. Through your goodness to us, we live in this great State of Texas – some of us born and nurtured here by your grace and wisdom, some of us called from afar and delivered here through your Mercy and Providence, each and all of us sustained here together in fellowship and solidarity by your justice and love. We give you thanks for the lives of our Governor and Lieutenant Governor and of all of our elected officials. We thank you for their generosity and willingness and that of their families as they offer themselves in public service. May You bless them generously for their selflessness of spirit.
Bless us, as one people, with the fortitude to seek the common good for all members of our towns and cities, of our counties and state, of our nation and world. Deliver us as one people from selfishness and distrust that would foment fear and incite violence within our homes and in our communities. Protect us, as one people, from all who would do us harm through lawlessness and violence. Instill in us, as one people, your spirit of integrity that we might do our part in diligently exercising our own personal responsibility for the betterment of our society.
Bendícenos, como un solo pueblo, con el deseo de libertad y justicia auténticas promovidas por el amor al prójimo y protegida por el estado de derecho. Líbranos como a un solo pueblo de la apatía y el cinismo que nos dividen y ahuyentan a las sombras del aislamiento y la apatía moral. Inculca en nosotros, como un solo pueblo, el espíritu de la compasión que nos incomode en el cuidado de cada persona humana en su realidad social, y no ver la humanidad en el abstracto y en el vacío del idealismo.
Gracious God, we entrust to you our Governor and our Lieutenant Governor, our legislators and our judges. Bless them as our public servants, in their responsibilities of government, with the courage to be humble in their sincere commitment to the unity of action required for the promotion of a just social order. Keep them in sound health in mind and body. Deliver them, as our public servants, from temptation to sin in any way that would do damage to our development as one people in fellowship and solidarity. Instill in them, as our public servants, a spirit of confidence, that they might lead us in deed as well as in word in the direction set by your guidance for a better society marked by the dignity of human flourishing and concern for the poor who live in the margins of our society. Bless them with wisdom and right judgment that they might, through their decisions, strengthen our state in the present moment with an eye toward the future development and peace for generations yet to come. Deliver our public servants from impatience with the complexities of government. Instill in them your virtue of prudence that they might see, judge, and act within the proper balance of eternal values and present needs for the sake of your peace. We ask all of this in your name.